A bit about me...
- I am an American born and raised in the Pacific Northwest
- I am 6'5"
- I come from a large family
- I recently graduated from college (May 2010)
- I am a Christian
- I enjoy juggling, running, playing guitar, swimming, water polo, frisbee, basketball, (sports in general), swing dancing, camping/backpacking, having adventures outside, thinking about things, reading thought-provoking books, talking with good friends, etc...
- Why am I writing a blog?
Well, it's something to do with my time. Not that I have an overabundance of it, but I would like to get my thoughts out in writing. I hope that I don't write anything too rash, but I don't want to say nothing either. Either way, take what you read for what it is - the blogging of a young, often opinionated, sometimes unsure, and a bit proud (at least proud enough to think that anyone will ever read this). OK, so read my posts already.